Iranian Director Calls for Muslim Unity

Iranian director Majid Majidi has said that “Muhammad (Sal Allahu alayhi wa Salim, Peace and Blessings be upon him)”, his latest film project on the life of Prophet Muhammad (sAwS) in his childhood, seeks solidarity in the world of Islam. Speaking at a press conference held for the first international festival for the creation of a logotype representing the Prophet, Majidi, said that the film in...

Hilya Calligraphy Exhibition Opens in Montenegro

  A Hilye calligraphy exhibition, consists of Mehmet Çebi's private hilye collection, opened in Çetinye, Montenegro on May 16. The exhibition features dozens of pieces of the “Hilye-i Şerif” (a physical description of the Prophet Muhammad in calligraphy). The term hilya in Arabic (or hilye in Turkish) has two closely related meanings, as detailed in the LastProphet article linked above. Firstly, ...

The Understanding of Art and the Prohibition of Images in Islam

In order to correctly perceive and interpret the Islamic view of art, the definition of “art” must first be agreed upon. However, this is beyond the scope of this article. It is necessary to point out that art does not solely consist of creating pictures and statues. Art includes discovering details, understanding and portraying profound feelings, and sharing these feelings. Art is the universal ...

Prophet Muhammad in Miniature

In the Islamic religion, painting is a sensitive issue continuing to attract debate and the final verdict has not been reached. Based on this sensitivity, Muslims have been careful about not painting a picture of Prophet Muhammad and think that it should not be done. However, throughout history some of his miracles have been depicted in miniatures (illuminated manuscripts), including first and fo...

Prophet Muhammad in Calligraphy

The Arabic script was not greatly developed in the pre-Islamic era; it was not used much at this time because the Arabs usually committed things to memory. For this reason, the development of the Arabic script started with the advent Islam, when the Quran began to be revealed, and with Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) asking his scribes to register everything they heard from him. Thus, the Arabic script ...

Another first: The Mi'raj Hilya by Calligrapher Ali Hüsrevoğlu

Ali Husrevoglu, one of the leading figures in Islamic calligraphy who has made a unique name for himself with his 30 different hilya (an elaborate work describing an event or person through calligraphy) works, shared his incredible work, "Mirac Hilyesi" (The Mi'raj Hilye) with readers on the occasion of the rememberance of the Night of the Mi'raj. The work is a...