Prophet Muhammad and the Celebration of ‘Eid

During the Era of Happiness the celebrations would start with the ‘Eid prayer which was held in an area called the musalla (place of prayer); women and young girls joined the ‘Eid prayer. After emigrating to Medina, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), believing that there was a need for legitimate entertainment, gave the people the glad tidings that "Almighty Allah has granted you two ...blessed ‘Eids ..."...

The Last Sermon of the Prophet

O People!

Lend me an attentive ear, for I know not whether after this year, I shall ever be amongst you again. Therefore listen to what I am saying to you very carefully and take these words to those who could not be present here today.

O People!...

Hajj in 23 Questions

1. What is Hajj? The dictionary meaning of the word "Hajj" connotes facing a big and important matter that is respected, visitation and going somewhere and coming back. As a term of Islamic jurisprudence, it signifies a worship that is performed by Muslims who have the means in specified period of time in a fashion that follows religious requirements in the Kaba, Arafat, Muzdalifa and Mina. Hajj...

He Called and We Obeyed

Almighty Allah says to us in the Quran:

And proclaim the Pilgrimage among men: They will come to thee on foot and on every lean camel through deep and distant mountain ravines. That they may witness the benefits provided by them. (Al-Hajj 22:27-28)

This is the call from our lord Allah. He made it holy by His majesty, and did this for His faithful servers. It is a call from the one, Allah, to the n...

Hajj: Inward and Outward Journey

In this article, I would like to share with you some of my personal reflections on the hajj, a journey to the center of the Muslim world to where the faith began, not just for Muhammad (peace be upon him), but because it was were Abraham (peace be upon him) built the first house of pilgrimage dedicated to a monotheistic conception of God. Hajj is one of the five pillars of Islam, and when talking ...

The Farewell Hajj and the Farewell Sermon

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) met with Archangel Gabriel every Ramadan and read the verses which had been revealed up until then. In the month of Ramadan during the 10th year after the emigration (December, 631) Gabriel said that they would read the Holy Quran twice. The Prophet understood this to mean that his life was coming to an end, and informed his daughter Fatima of this. The Prophet would perf...

Why Hajj?

The wisdom of hajj appears with the influence of the servant-lord relationship between Allah and the person who has turned towards Allah on the person's own life and also on the community which he is a part of. In Ghazzali's words, hajj is the perfection of religion and the completion of submission.Hajj is visiting spaces considered to be sacred for a religious purpose and it is one of Isl...